This Tishrei, Vaad Hatemimim To Expand
As it became increasingly clear to Bochurim in Eretz Yisroel and across the world that they would not be able to come to New York for Tishrei in person this year – due to the pandemic and guidelines from Doctors and Rabbonim – there was a deep collective disappointment.
For many decades, the month of Tishrei in the Rebbe’s court has served as a source of spiritual inspiration and energy, that would power a Chossid through an entire year. Without this experience, what would be?
Bearing in mind the Rebbe’s approach to treat every challenge as an opportunity, the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim immediately turned to giving the Bochurim a most meaningful and inspirational Tishrei. The Vaads mission remains the same – to provide tools and ways of connection for Bochurim, and create a meaningful Hiskashrus in their day-to-day lives.
And this year, even bigger. Without the limitations of cost and space, each and every bochur around the world can truly participate.
The Vaad is planning a comprehensive program for the thousands of Bochurim who will be staying this year in Israel, with Kovtzim, Mivtzoei Limud, Farbrengens, panels and so on – including programming broadcast from NY – so they can experience “Tishrei with the Rebbe” where they are.
At the same time, the hundreds of Bochurim in Crown Heights – whether local, studying in Yeshiva, 770, or otherwise allowed as per guidelines – will benefit from the full gamut of Vaad programming, including Farbrengens, Shiurim and panels. (All in person programming will follow health guidelines).
A major focus will be expanding English language Tishrei programming for the local Bochurim, including Farbrengens and Shiurim.
As in previous years, the Vaad will be providing easy and affordable buses to the Ohel so every Bochur can visit often throughout the month.
With the help of the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim, the Bochurim now have an emphatically positive outlook on the situation. While still craving to be in the Rebbe’s daled amos physically, they can appreciate the Rebbe’s outlook when faced with adversity in life.
Each situation can either be looked at as a challenge and a hardship, or an opportunity.
And an opportunity is exactly what this Tishrei will be – an opportunity for a special experience B’gashmius Ub’ruchnius, as we prepare to spend this Tishrei B’or Pnei Melech Chaim, with our Rebbe b’gashmius, B’bias Moshiach Tzidkenu.