Emunah Finishes a Safe and Healthy Summer
In 1953 Rabbi JJ Hecht approached our Rebbe with a revolutionary idea. He proposed establishing a residential summer camp for Jewish girls, for Lubavitcher girls. He would call it Emunah – faith and truth.
The Rebbe hesitated and then gave his blessings and directives. The rest is history. Until 2020!
68 years later Emunah almost did not open. And then, despite the enormous challenges, it did!
It took the enduring power of our Rebbe, the legacy of Rabbi Hecht and the encouragement and financial support of several prominent Lubavitch community leaders to make the miracle happen.
On Chof Av in 1990, a few days after the passing of Rabbi Hecht, our Rebbe spoke of Rabbi Hecht’s legacy and the importance of Camp Emunah -faith and truth.
The roadblocks and stumbling blocks were many but this did not deter Camp Emunah from forging forward with their plans to give Lubavitch girls a sense of normalcy in these turbulent times. We were able to take the brachos from our Rebbe from Greenfield Park NY to Green Lane PA. We thank the Aibishter and our Rebbe abundant brochos.
The amazing results
Camp Emunah concluded a healthy and safe summer for 5780. Close to 600 Lubavither girls from Crown Heights and across America enjoyed a fabulouis exciting summer vacation in Emunah in PA.
That’s not all.
Emunah never settled only for the highest standards of physical excellence. Rather, our spiritual profile was always much superior. This mission was carried out with aplomb. The singing, shiurim, learning, farbrenging and many such activities elevated the surroundings. So how do we bring the sublimely spiritual into the reality of the world?
We print an Emunah Tanya on Rabbi Hecht’s Yahrzeit -the 15 th of Av – In Green Lane , Pennsylvania. Make a magnificent Hachlata auction and complete over 9,000 kaptlach of tehilim on Shabbos Mevorchim.
This normalcy came at a great cost but the final product was an incredible truly once in a lifetime experience for the campers and staff involved. The stakes were higher on so many fronts and the bar was raised. Not only did campers themselves walk away enriched physically, emotionally and spiritually but the unique opportunity to uplift surroundings which were not “home base” was a duty that was shared by campers and staff alike.
The girls of Emunah are out front, leading Lubavitch to uplift the world.
We are immensely thankful to those great donors who started the ball rolling. Approaching the summer of 2020 a group of caring, purposeful people, among them, the wonderful Yossi and Batsheva Popack, Mr Stanley Wassrerman and an anonymous benefactor heard the rebbe’s message, saw the potential danger and with great dedication and devotion undertook to help underwrite the overwhelming financial challenge, so that Emunah could lease an appropriate facility in the camp-friendly State of Pennsylvania. Let’s hear a great 2,4,6,8…
Now we must raise the final payment to complete the summer in good health and gratifying accomplishment. Please do not let us down.
To Donate: Click Here