Chabad on Call Kinus Goes Virtual

For months now, Chabad Shluchim and Shluchos have been distributing chicken soup care packages, both the hot sizzling type and the warm soulful kind, to members of their community to keep engaged and inspired during difficult and uncertain times.

Now it is their turn to receive some back!

Chabad On Call, a project of Mekos Suite302 is excited to launch its third annual Kinnus – Chicken Soup For the Quarantined Soul: Helping Shluchim and Shluchos navigate the social, psychological, and Halachic issues during and post Covid-19.

The Kinus, scheduled for Tuesday, 7 Av – July 28 2020, will feature prominent doctors, rabbonim, roundtable discussions and panels with simultaneous tracks for Shluchim and Shluchos.

The Keynote Speaker, Dr. David Pelcovitz Ph.D. – will be covering a most important and pertinent topic – counseling during COVID-19 and post-COVID.

Across all demographics of Shlichus, individuals are reaching out for help now more than ever. The session will cover helpful tips, advice, and what signs should be brought to a professional.

Shluchim and Shluchos can sign up by clicking here
