LIVE at 8:00PM: First Yartzeit of Rabbi Sholom Simpson A”H
The family of Rabbi Sholom M. Simpson A”H, the personal mazkir of the Rebbe, invite all to participate in a very special Farbrengen in honor of his first Yahrtzeit.
The Farbrengen, which will air live on smsimpson.com at 8:00pm on Tuesday, will include special divrei hisorerus from Rabbanim and Shluchim from around the world.
Speakers include:
Rabbi Avraham Osdoba – Member of Bada”tz CH
Rabbi Yosef Simpson – United Lubavitcher Yeshiva
Rabbi Shlomo Cunin – Head Shliach of the west coast
Rabbi Pinchus Feldman – Head shliach of Sydney
Rabbi Levi Garelik – Rav of Beis Shmuel
Rabbi Yosef Hakohein Rosenfeld – Shliach to Tzfas
Rabbi Dovid Flinkenstein – Shliach to Chicago
Rabbi Zalman Chanin – Vaad L’Hafatzas Sichos