Mivtza Torah Celebrated at Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati
On the Chag Hageula, 13 Tammuz, a special Siyum was held in Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati. Throughout the year, many bochurim toiled between the hours of the Seder HaYeshiva to finish learning the two Masechtos: Kiddushin and Sukka. This special “Mivtza Torah” project, arranged by the Talmidei Hashluchim, included many tests and finals. Notwithstanding the time away from Yeshiva, because of the Corona-Virus, 20 Talmidim finished both Masechtos.
During the Siyum, the Talmidim heard divrei Chizzuk from the Hanhallas HaYeshiva and were presented with certificates and also received their monetary reward to buy more Sefarim for their libraries. Representing the Temimim were Hatamimim Berel Pape (Arkansas) , Avi Kurinsky (Jacksonville) and Yisroel Silberstein (Montreal) who made the actual Siyumim and gave over a Hadran of the Rebbe.