JEM: The Rebbe’s First Person Account Of Yud Beis Tammuz

In 5716, at the Farbrengen in the Frierdiker Rebbe’s apartment before the main Yud Beis Tammuz Farbrengen, R’ Zalman Duchman proclaimed “If not for the Rebbe’s efforts, we would not be celebrating a Chag Hageulah now!”, and began detailing the Rebbe’s involvement in the Frierdiker Rebbe’s release from jail. The Rebbe motioned for him to step down, and much of the Rebbe’s involvement remains unknown.

On another occasion, while discussing different types of miracles that occur, the Rebbe refers to “the wonders and miracles of Yud Beis and Yud Gimmel Tammuz, which our very own eyes saw”.

A new unprecedented project from gathers the story of Yud Beis – Yud Gimmel Tammuz as recounted by the Rebbe throughout the years, and presents the account on an interactive audio timeline. 

From the moment spies infiltrated the Friediker Rebbe’s home on a Yechidus night, leading to his arrest and original sentencing, through the ensuing events and intervention of Chassidim and ministers on all levels securing his eventual miraculous release, listen as the Rebbe tells over the story, and relive the miraculous events.

Listen here.

In addition to the new audio timeline, there are 10 restored Yud Beis Tammuz Farbrengens on Ashreinu, 6 of which have been recently restored.

תשט”זתש”כתשכ”אתשכ”גתשכ”ד תשכ”התשכ”ו תשכ”זתש”ל תשל”א

* Recently restored

לא אותי בלבד גאל הקב”ה בי”ב בתמוז, כי אם גם את כל מחבבי תורתנו הקדושה, שומרי מצווה, וגם את אשר בשם ישראל יכונה