Nearly 500 Boys Join Mivtza “Learn Bifnim and Win”
Igud Hamelamdim’s Mivtza “Learn Bifnim and Win” has close to 500 boys worldwide focusing and improving their Bifnim skills.
This Mivtza is contagious says Mrs L! My 5th grade son joined and that enticed his brother 2nd grader to join, and then a neighbor, a cousin, a friend! Its news that traveled fast.
The Hatzlocho of this mivtza is enormous says Rabbi Avrohom Bluming Igud Hamelamdim’s Director and initiator of this program. Its because “learning Bifnim” is essential, it’s a basic like water that everyone needs. The fact that it’s only 5 minutes makes it so attractive and attainable, and gives them an appreciation of what you can accomplish learning in just 5 minutes!
3 weeks into the program and over 450 boys have joined the program , it keeps growing every day! When the boys call in to the Phone system it welcomes the boys with a nice Bruchim Haboim. Then concisely directs to press which button for which subject (1-chumash, 2- mishnayos, 3- gemara, , 5- to hear Raffle winners & updates).
“An outpour of thanks came in “Thank you so very much for this wonderful program that you’re giving the boys!
To see him sit down with a sefer looking inside and learning out loud just like a big bochur is heart warming!”Yasher koach!”
Parents express how it trains their children to follow inside the text during class: “Thanks again for this program!! It’s a great motivater and really has Shimon pointing and following along inside his chumash/mishnayus!”
6th grade rebbi, Rabbi Dovber Blau of 6th grade Oholei Torah says that many boys are participating in this wonderful program and is a great reinforcement to what they learn in class.
Ohr Menachem principal Rabbi Menachem M. Yusewitz shared, “Baruch Hashem I am getting so much positive feedback from melamdim, parents and even from talmidim themselves! In addition, on a personal level as a parent, I witness daily on my own son how much he benefits and grows from ‘Mivtza Limud Bifnim.’”.
Exciting prizes are won by participants with the bi weekly raffles.
Recent Raffle winners:
Isaac Banon ID# ID# 321 Oholei Torah 4th grade Rabbi Wilschansky’s class
NaftaliPolter ID# 302 Tomchei Tmimim Montreal 3rd grade Rabbi Hendel’s class
MosheYusewitz ID# 386 Ohr Menachem CH 4th grade Rabbi Brysky’s class
Moishe Lison Tomchei Tmimim Montreal 5th Rabbi Bressinger’s class
Dovid Yarmush ID # 118 Shluchim Online School 4th grade Rabbi Evers class
Levik Weiss ID#442 OYYL 2nd grade Rabbi Yisroel Kaplan
Levi Menachem Ganjian ID#174 Cheder Menachem LA 3rd grade Rabbi Hiedingsfeld’s class
Aryeh Yarmush ID# 221 Cheder Chabad Toronto 7th grade Rabbi Doron’s class