SUNDAY: Shloshim For Rabbi Moshe Zaklikofsky OBM
Family, Friends and Colleagues to Hold a Shloshim Event and Farbrengen for Rabbi Moshe Zaklikofsky
A memorial tribute event marking the Shloshim since the passing of Rabbi Moshe Zaklikofsky obm will be held on Sunday, May 24, 2020 at 8 pm.
Rabbi Moshe Zaklikofsky served as a Shliach in Detroit and administrator at Lubavitch Foundation for over 40 years, and as decades-long member of the editorial board of “Otzar Hachassidim” – Chabad’s publishing house, Kehot, for close to 60 years. “Rabbi Z.” as he was affectionately known, was deeply involved in preparing for print many hundreds of volumes of Chassidus of all the Rebbeim, and particularly the Rebbe’s voluminous Torah works, namely the classic sets of Likkutei Sichos, Toras Menachem, and many more.
His quiet, low key demeanor ingratiated him with everyone he encountered, but that could barely conceal the fact that he was a giant – both in personality and in wisdom.
He left an indelible impact upon many thousands of Jews in the Detroit metropolitan community with his legendary outreach, hospital visitation and other chaplaincy work. And he served as an address for many local Baal Teshuva families, whom he lovingly stewarded in their ongoing journey to Yiddishkeit and Lubavitch.
Though not an official staff member at the Detroit Yeshiva and educational institutions, he impacted generations of Bochurim with his kind demeanor, as a true role model of a Pnimiyusdike Chassidishe Jew and with his warm embrace of another. He infused and inspired with his vast knowledge of Chabad history. His signature, non-judgmental spirit led him to assist with the most minute of needs, from personal mentoring to everyday necessities.
Memories of Rabbi Z will be shared by many friends and colleagues including Rabbi Yosef Minkowitz – director of Beis Rivkah Montreal, Rabbi Sholom Tenenbaum – Lubavitch Youth Organization in Brooklyn, Rabbi Yosi Friedman, director of Kehot Publications, Rabbi Yaakov Ginsberg – formerly of Portland, Maine, Rabbi Betzalel Gottlieb – Oak Park, MI, Dr. Mitchell Shek – Birmingham, MI, Rabbi Shaul Wilhelm – Oslo, Norway, Mr. Uri Laber – Miami, Florida, Rabbi Dovid Aron Polter – Brooklyn, and Mr. Jacob Roitman – East Brunswick, NJ.
The program will be interspersed with video clips and additional speakers.
To join please log on to: RabbiZ.us
or One click: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7707847881?pwd=c0R2NFJzc2Q5R1hCNHUwbkFZckM4QT09
Meeting ID: 770 784 7881 Password: rabbiz
Phone: 1-346-248-7799
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Password: 074168