Yeshivas Erev USA Launches For Bochurim
Shavuos, the Yom tov of Mattan Torah, is quickly approaching and the preparations should be in full swing.
With most young boys learning from home, with condensed schedules of learning, the Hachana could be lacking. To fill this void, in an interactive and engaging way, Rabbi Gershon Avtzon – Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati – is starting a special new initiative: YESHIVAS EREV USA.
Every evening – starting TONIGHT until erev shavuos – Rabbi Avtzon will be giving a 25 minute shiur in the Gemara Shabbas – which speaks about Mattan Torah – with the Biurim of the Rebbe. The program is catering to boys age 11-14 and there will be 2 nightly raffles of $50.00 for all those that participate.
Time: 8:00pm-8:30pm EST.
Zoom Link:
To join: Zoom ID: 873-7832-2406
Password: YEU770