Argentina Yeshiva Shluchim Celebrate 40th Anniversary With Farbrengen

During these difficult days when it has become impossible for us to meet face to face, the התעוררות that has happened by chassidim to farbreng with each other has grown exponentially.

Last week marked 40 years since the first kvutzah of תלמידים השלוחים was sent to the newly established yeshiva in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The kvutza consisted of 10 bochurim that were then learning in America.

They are: Dovid Plotka, Yehuda Binyomin Weiss, Yosef Yitzchok Shputz, Yisroel Wilhelm, Levi Yitzchok Sudak, M.M. Levin, Moshe Weiss, Moshe Katzman, Reuven Lapidus, Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin.

In honor of this special occasion, last Tuesday, a special zoom farbrengen was organized together with the kvutza from תש”מ, the head shliach, Rabbi Tzvi Grunblatt and the current mashpia in yeshiva, Reb Osher Farkash.

The shluchim relived those 2 years on shlichus and the many memories that came with. They spoke about how those memories and experiences have stuck with them and inspired them to continue their life-long mission as the Rebbe’s shluchim.

Many thanks goes to the board of the yeshiva for recording this monumental farbrengen and sharing it with the masses.


[pdf-embedder url=”שיחה-תלמידים-השלוחים-ארגנטינה.pdf” title=”שיחה תלמידים השלוחים ארגנטינה”]