Rabbi Kotlarsky Calls To Memorialize Those We have Lost Through Chalukas Hashas
by CrownHeights.info
In a letter dated Beis Iyar, Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky called on Anash to memorialize the many people that have been lost recently through a special Chalukas Hashas.
“The untimely passing of so many Chassidim – some of them in the prime of their lives – has left a deep wound in our collective heart,’ wrote Rabbi Kotlarsky.
The Chalukas Hashas would be broken up in four dapim sections, allowing each person to take a small portion that can be completed by all.
To take a section: Click Here
Read The Text Of The Letter Below:
Beis Iyar – Lechatchila Ariber
To All Anash Sheyichyu,
We are living in extraordinary times. The disruption of societies across the globe has brought upon all of us untold difficulties in so many areas of our life.
Above all, however, is the immeasurable pain of losing so many members of Anash. The untimely passing of so many Chassidim – some of them in the prime of their lives – has left a deep wound in our collective heart.
In an effort to unite Khal Adas Anash in a common initiative which will memorialize all those who we have lost, we are presenting a Chalukas HaShas, divided by units of four Dafim, which will enable us to collectively complete the entire Shas L’Iluy Nishmos all those who are no longer with us. We hope that you will join us in this endeavor.
We ask that you please go to this website: www.shas.merkos302.com and choose the number of Dafim you can commit to completing by Gimel Tamuz.
With wishes for complete health and safety for all of Anash and Klal Yisroel and may we merit to witness the fulfillment of Yeshaya’s words בלע המות לנצח ומחה ה’ אלוקים דמעה מעל כל פנים בגאולה האמיתית והשלימה בקרוב ממש עם הרבי בראשנו
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky