Hands-On Judaic Curriculum for Kids

With schools being closed, many parents are left unsure of how to optimize this rare opportunity to educate their children. As a team of educators and parents, we have seen that while older children are managing well on zoom classes, younger ones are having difficulties.

As an attempt to assist parents, we put together a hands-on Judaic curriculum geared for 3-5 year olds. It is a weekly package which includes lesson plans, activities, all the necessary supplies and more in the following 3 subjects: Aleph Bais, Yahadus and Parsha.

Packages are priced at a 50% discount because of the current situation. In order to ensure enough time for shipping, orders should be placed a week in advance. All orders received by Monday, have a guaranteed delivery for the following Sunday.

To order please click here: https://legacystaff.wufoo.com/forms/m1yx607b0dbyecu/

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions at bringithome321@gmail.com