Gemara Academy To Offer it’s Online Platform and Content Free of Charge
Due to the current situation with many Yeshivos and schools having to close their doors and teaching being done remotely, Gemara Academy is working to offer it’s platform and content free of charge. The platform also allows teachers to upload their own content on it and it’s compatible with Zoom. It also provides data of student’s usage and quiz performance.
We’re working to have the hosting platform offer free access for schools that shut their doors. Currently the hosting platform is not offering free user accounts, as a result we’re also working on securing private funding to offset the costs for Yeshivos and schools.
In the interim all the content is available in 1 of 2 ways
1) For free, this will give you access to all 400+ Gemara classes on 6 different Perakim with quizzes and the Mishnayos that we have on Sukkah (the first 3 Perakim) with quizzes. But then it’s an open link without being organized under a teacher account and it’s not individual accounts. It’ll be a link to any given Perek and the quizzes on it. In this format, it’s not compatible with Zoom and it may not work with uploading you own content. It also won’t provide data.
2) $3 an account per month and set up as an individual account under a teacher account. This will be compatible with Zoom and allow you to upload your own content and assign access to it to your students. It will also provide data.
Contact: chananya@gemaraacademy.com