The Power Of Community, A Quarantined Family Thanks Chabad
A Jewish family quarantined at home over Purim in New Rochelle found their holiday plans in limbo, and turned to the Chabad Yeshiva in Westchester for help. After hearing the Megillah twice from a group of boys who came to their house and leined outside, Barry Schwartz posted the following thank you on Facebook.
You can not underestimate the power of community. You can not ever say enough about Chabad. The Rebbe made it loud and made it clear that Jews should never be forgotten. Will never be forgotten. Not those with other customs, not those who have fallen into the trappings of addiction, not those who have ended up going in paths that others wouldn’t understand or take the time to care about trying to understand. And now, the power of Kiruv, literally, to bring closer, has once again evolved further and with it, deeper into the hearts of the New Rochelle community. And in a way we will not ever forget. They got closer… to our homes and to our hearts.
In a world of extreme political divisiveness, in a week that feels more like Armageddon than salvation, on the same day when the national guard is literally sealing us off from the rest of the world (no political intentions right now please), Chabad sent soldiers of their own, from their true Tzivas Hashem. Not AROUND our community… Straight INTO THE HEART OF OUR proud Jewish community…. 2 times…. for hours and hours at a time… in a safe yet determined manner…. standing outside of home after Jewish home… in the rain when needed…. reciting the megillah over and over again. At the end they took no money, stating that it was because they would have to be quarantined if they did. I doubt that greatly. I know the shluchim too well. Way too well… it was so that they can teach us and our children what it means to go out of ones way to do a mitzvah LESHMAH (purely for the sake of the mitzvah).
No press conferences.
No public statements.
Just Jews looking out for other Jews. Period.
The Rebbe would be proud… I suspect proud but not at all surprised.
Mi KeAmcha!!! Thanks for reaching us and our children the lesson of a lifetime.