JEM: The Rebbe’s Coach
Marking seventy years of the Rebbe’s leadership, a milestone which began this upcoming Yud Shvat, JEM launched an all-encompassing initiative to produce seventy short films exploring different slices of the Rebbe’s leadership over seventy weeks.
This week, the focus of the 70 years projects was not on a major new initiative launched by the Rebbe, nor on a famous event or person. The hero this time is Abe Sacks, a formerly unaffiliated Jew who coached a local high school basketball team.
The film is heartwarming and entertaining, while at the same time educational. The Rebbe’s active interest in everyone, regardless of their stature, teaches every one of us an important lesson for how to live our lives.
Watch the entire film at 70years.com, the home for JEM’s 70 Events. Ideas and Personalities. project.
Watch an excerpt from the film below.