Rabbis Friedman and Freeman Now in German
The two bestseller “Why Doesn’t Anyone Blush Anymore?” by Rabbi Manis Friedman and “The Book of Purpose” by Rabbi Tzvi Freeman have now been published in German by Books&Bagels in Switzerland.
Both books, in German “Wird denn niemand mehr rot?” and “Das Buch vom Sinn”, were designed by the renowned book designer professor Ralf de Jong.
Rabbi Friedman’s book explains in a clear, easily understood and entertaining language how modesty can become a powerful tool for meaningful and intimate relationships. The publication of this book was made possible by the help of Bettina and Lutz Münchberg.
“Das Buch vom Sinn” by Rabbi Freeman contains his condensed and sometimes directly quoted thoughts of the Rebbe about how to find purpose in life. It deals with questions about who we are, if our existence is an end to itself or if we can fill our lives with purpose and meaning. This book was published with the support of chabad.org.
More information on the books can be found here: www.booksnbagels.com/liebe and here: www.booksnbagels.com/sinn.