Inter-Generational Yud Shvat – 70 Years Event At Bais Rivkah Montreal

It was a gathering that was the embodiment of the message and theme of Yud Shvat Shivim Shono.

Four generations of great-grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers, and Beis Rivkah of Montreal students from grades 1-6, gathered together at a grand Melava Malka in the Beis Rivkah auditorium, to celebrate “70 years – and growing stronger – of the Rebbe’s Nessius.” .

380 women and girls from grades 1-6 ka”h attended the Melava Malka, which Rabbi Yosef Minkowitz, the principal, noted in his greeting to the assembled, is the gematria of the word Lubavitch. He emphasized “age is irrelevant here since all the assembled are gathered in unity and have a shared desire – to express gratitude to Hashem of being Chassidei Chabad, and the determination to demonstrate through actions, their commitment to the Rebbe and his teachings. There is no ‘generation gap’”!

In preparation for the evening, mothers and daughters came to school, days beforehand, to bake the delicious cakes served at the event. It was both exciting and heartwarming to see a combined mini army of mothers, children and 10th grade High School Messibos Shabbos counsellors, transform the auditorium, which is used as a shul on Shabbos, into a beautiful hall with tables laden with all kinds of goodies. All this was done in less than an hour! The room was literally packed from end to end!

Before the actual program began there was an adorable exhibit of projects made by the children on the theme of the Rebbe’s Mivtzoyim.

The evening commenced with Birchas Kohanim by Rabbi Mendy Rosenfeld. The program included a video about Yud Shvat and everyone bentching each other with the Rebbe’s Koss Shel Brocho. It was inspiring to observe the interactive learning on the theme of Hamaaseh Hu Haikar by each group of family members. Each family-group wrote a Hachlata (which will be brought to the Ohel on Yud Shvat itself), and was entered into a raffle for a family prize.

The evening was highlighted by and concluded with inspiring performances from each grade on the theme “Women & Girls Bringing Geula Through Mivtzoyim”.

Mrs. R. Cohen did a superb job as the M.C. for the evening.

Mrs P. Minkowitz and Geulah Notik, organizers of this event, express special thanks to all the dedicated volunteers, for the success of this inspiring and memorable Melave Malka. Thank you Esty Rosenfeld for the photography.

Congratulations to all the students for their enthusiastic participation in the 70-day Hachono project, which began on Rosh Chodesh Kislev culminating on Yud Shvat.

As one of the bubbies who attended said as she was leaving with her daughter and grandchildren: “The chassidishe warmth that enveloped the room will surely go a long way in melting away the last residues of Golus, and speedily reunite us with the Rebbe”.