Daily Tanya Just Got a Whole Lot Easier

My name is Anton Kramer. I am a qualified accountant based in Johannesburg, South Africa. I am married to a wonderful lady who is a financial planner. We team together to raise our children in somewhat trying and complicated times, where time and resources are proving to be real luxuries.

As alluded to above, “a day in the life of” has many factors to contend with. Work-life is fast-paced, whereby many matters have to be attended to. The wife’s phone call during the day never seems to come at the right time, and often, the devoted lunch she has so kindly prepared for me makes it right back home again. Being off sick for a day is never even an option.

Once I make it home, the kids require attention and rightfully so. I transfer into the loving dad and try to be there for them as the perfect role model that their dad should be. Eventually, late into the night, my wife and I have those few precious, fleeting moments.

As I observed my family growing up, I realized that I need to offer them real guidance and input. I realized that I was not enriching or enabling myself as a resource to meet this. I need to increase my own knowledge base, be inspired and motivated. I needed to find something that could cater to this, as well, at the same time, be able to fit into my hectic schedule, as I couldn’t see that changing at all.

My first thought was where to start? I soon discovered by consulting with Google, that there is a whole on-line world with inspirational, enriching talks. I was wowed about how many offerings there are, and while choice is a beautiful thing, to make that choice may not always be so easy.

A volunteer from “Inside Chasidus,” Nechama Dina Klugman, as sent from above, then mentioned to me about the on-line podcast “Daily Tanya with Rabbi Paltiel.” She said I should take a listen as this is the “gem in the rough” that I was looking for.

From the outset, I liked this idea because I could listen to the podcast anywhere at any time and, most importantly, at my own convenience. The fact that the podcast goes according to the daily Chitas is fantastic. I must say I was concerned that my level of knowledge would not be able to meet with the podcast, or that it was not what I was looking for.

This letter is a token of my appreciation and a call to everyone, no matter where or in what position you find yourself, to expose themselves to what I now have access to. The podcast is a clear, easy to follow, rendition of the Tanya script filled with the personal touch of the Rabbi Paltiel as he tells it over. You can detect the Rabbi’s love and passion as a further inspirational aspect, conveying the undeniable truth in today’s turbulent world. It has enriched me and provided me with the guidance I was seeking.

The podcast has not only positively impacted my personal life, but also in my work and social life. They enable you to see the world with a different refreshing perspective as the podcasts discuss topics related to all life matters. There is nothing more inspirational knowing that you, as a person, are growing and truthfully so.

While I have never met Rabbi Paltiel, I feel like I know him as he becomes more and more of an integral part of my everyday life.

I can only thank the “Inside Chasidus” organization and their volunteers, for availing what Rabbi Paltiel has to say, on such a full, accessible Podcast scale and encourage all to join the podcast. It is now my turn to pay it forward

Here is the link: https://insidechassidus.org/podcast/