Friendship Circle of Brooklyn Prints a Tanya
The families in the Friendship Circle community of Brooklyn came together to participate in a printing of the Tanya, at an event arranged by Rabbi Berel and Chani Majesky, Directors of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn.
Printing commenced in honor of the yahrtzeit of the Alter Rebbe at the FCBKLN Social and Sensory Space, with many FC members and their families in attendance.
Rabbi Berel Majesky shared words on inspiration with the crowd, explaining the importance of the printing. He related that when the Tanya was first printed in Braille, the Rebbe emphasized the important breakthrough it represented – bringing the teachings of Chassidus to people who had never previously had the opportunity to taste this spiritual knowledge independently.
Yisroel Brikman, Gabbai of the FC Minyan, was then honored with printing the first page of the Tanya.
As per the Rebbe’s instruction, a portion of the first Perek of Tanya was taught by veteran Tanya teacher Rabbi Chaim Majesky.
This unique printing, print #7368, is thanks to the tireless efforts of Rabbi Sholom Jacobson, who has spearheaded this mivtza for over 40 years. Special thanks to Malki Laine who coordinated the over 50 pages of names of FC family members.
The Rebbe spoke highly and gave Brochos to those who participated in these printings; may the Rebbe’s Brochos be bestowed upon all the families of the Friendship Circle, blessing them with success in all areas of their lives.