Vintage Audio Clips From Farbrengen in the Chabad Shul in Meah Shearim 5715/1954
Courtesy of the Agudas Chabad Library and librarian Rabbi Berel Levin, we bring you these two vintage audio clips, In Yiddish totaling over one-and-a-half hours of a farbrengen in the Chabad shul in Meah Shearim on Yud-Tes Kislev, 5715/1954.
Speakers include Harav Yaakov Landa, rov of Bnei Brak, who would make the trip to Yerushalayim until ill health kept him. In addition, two other elder mashpiyim can be heard: Reb Shaul Ber Zislin of Tel-Aviv, and Reb Nochum Shmarayahu (“Shmerel Batumer”) Sasonkin, the mashpia there.
These audio recording were sent to the Rebbe at the time, 65 years ago.