Kidush Lubavitch in the Ukrainian Parliament
The Pre-Chanukah candle lighting in the Ukrainian Parliament took place with the participation of over 200 people, including over 80 Parliament members. Notable attendees included senior government officials, consulates, Israeli ambassador to Kiev ,Israeli businessman and the head Jewish community.
The event was organized by the Chief Rabbi and Head Shliach of Kiev, Rabbi Yonathan Markovitch along with the Chairman of the Israel-Ukraine Friendship Committee of the Parliament, Alexander Konitsky, Israel’s Honorary Consul in Ukraine Oleg Vyshnyakov.
Notable dignitaries, including Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Mr. Joel Leon joined, Israeli Consul in Ukraine Ms. Lilac Attias, Representative of Nativ in Ukraine and Moldova Mr. Felix Gurevich, and Speaker of Parliament’s Finance Conference Mr. Daniel Gatmanzov, all joined the event.
Dozens of representatives from districts across Ukraine’s cities attended who, thanks to the relationship with Rabbi Markovitch, have helped rabbis and communities throughout Ukraine.
This is the second time since the founding of the current parliament – a few months ago – when the Israel-Ukraine Parliamentary Friendship Committee met. The committee includes members of parliament from all corners of the political spectrum who are trying to formalize the parliamentary relationship between Ukraine and Israel.
During the ceremony, Rabbi Markovitch said: “As a Jew born in Ukraine during a dark period of Judaism, as a grandson of Holocaust survivors, as the Chief Rabbi of the Ukrainian capital, I am thrilled to stand here today and represent Ukrainian Jewry at the Chanukah menorah ceremony in the Ukrainian with representatives of the Jewish community and representatives of Parliament.”
The event had plenty of media coverage that brought a big Pirsumey Nissa, and Kidush Lubavitch for Millions of people.