Chabad Hosts Its First Shabbaton in Warsaw
by CrownHeights.info
Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, a Chabad Rabbi and Historian, was a guest speakers at a recent shabbaton in Warsaw, Poland held under the auspices of the Shliach, Rabbi Sholom Ber Stambler.
Over 140 people attended from across Poland including a contingent from Krakow, guided by Rabbi Eliezer Gurary.
The shabbaton was held in a beautiful hotel and was attended by many in the Jewish community, including the director of the holy Radomsker Rebbe’s Ohel in Radomsk, several hours drive from Warsaw.
The event was picked up by the local media, who wrote about Rabbi Dalfin’s visit, including his successful search for ancestry.
The event was noted as historic, as it marks the first ever Chabad shabbaton event in Poland since the Holocaust.