New Sefer Brings All The Rebbe’s Chanukah Maamarim Together
This coming week, the Chanukah lights will illuminate millions of Jewish homes around the world. Massive Menorahs will be set up in city centers, Chabad Chassidim will spread out to army bases and hospitals, prisons and city streets, bringing the message of Chanukah to every corner of the world.
But this Chanukah will be different. On Chanukah 5780, Shluchim, Anash and Bochurim going out to Mivtzoim will have the ability to bring the message of Chanukah, in the light of the Rebbe’s teachings, in a clearer and more profound way than before.
During the Shabbos meal on Shabbos eve, 26 Kislev 5706, the Rebbe Rayatz spoke about the customs and traditions of the Rabbeim on Chanukah. Among other things, he said as follows:
“My father, the Rebbe [Rashab] related, that once, at the lighting of the Menorah, his father the Rebbe Maharash told him: One must listen to what the Chanukah lights tell over.”
We all make this effort, to listen and internalize the candles’ message. This year, it will also be possible to understand what the candles say. With the approach of Chanukah, a new Sefer has been published, containing all the Rebbe’s Maamarim which explain the deeper meaning of Chanukah, topics related to the holiday, and the message of the candles. “Toras Menachem – Maamarim Moadim – Chanukah” has been published by the veteran Lahak Hanachos, under the directorship of Rabbi Chaim Shaul Brook.
The book contains forty-six maamarim which we merited to hear from the Rebbe throughout the years of his leadership, organized according to Pesukim, Maamarei Chazal, and Tefilos. An index at the end of the book lists the Maamarim by date. The beginning of the Sefer contains a short Tochen Inyanim of each Maamar.
Notwithstanding the efforts invested in it, two Maamarim are still missing: “Le’oseh Niflaos,” of Shabbos Zos Chanukah 5720, and “Ki Imcha Mekor Chaim,” of Shabbos Chanukah 5725. The editorial board of Lahak Hanachos requests that if anyone can assist in locating the Hanachos of those Maamarim, they should email info@lahak.org.
The Pesach Davar of the book is signed, 14 Kislev – the close of the ninety year anniversary of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s wedding. That very day, the Sefer was distributed as a Teshura at the wedding of Mendel & Devorah Leah Wilansky, in Moscow, Russia, the hometown of the Kallah, the daughter of the Shluchim to Russia, Chief Rabbi Berel & Chani Lazar.
This Sefer is part of a unique set of books which collect all the Rebbe’s Maamarim according to Yomim Tovim and Yoma Dipagras: 1) 14 Kislev – Derushei Chasuna; 2) 19-20 Kislev; 3) Chanukah; 4) Yud Shevat – Basi Legani (2 volumes); 5) Purim; 6) 11 Nissan (2 volumes); 7) 12-13 Tammuz. More volumes are scheduled for release as well.
The Sefer is available as of Yud Tes Kislev, in the branches of Kehos in the United States and Eretz Yisrael, and in Judaica stores in Anash communities worldwide. Likewise, it can be ordered and delivered throughout the United States, through the Lakah website, www.lahak.org/shop.
In the fifty states of America, it is possible to join the “Menuyim Club” of Lahak, and to receive each new Sefer of Lahak directly to your home. To join, click here: www.lahak.org/bookclub.