A Successful Campaign for the Rebbe’s and Rebbetzin’s 90th Anniversary
Last year on 14 Kislev, 5779, Mikvah.org launched an initiative to have 900 women around the world review the crucial halachos of Taharas Hamishpacha as a gift for the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s 90th wedding anniversary.
The Rebbe mentioned in many letters and farbrengens as to the importance of reviewing these halachos on a regular basis, at least once every year. Review classes are scheduled regularly in Crown Heights 2x a year, and are also available anytime on mikvah.org/refresher-courses and mikvah.org/Slideshow.
Baruch Hashem, over 1000 women submitted their names as having reviewed this year with the conclusion of this campaign today, on 14 Kislev 5780! Mikvah.org would like to thank each and every participant for taking the time to review, submit their names, and be a part of this collective gift that without doubt, is giving a tremendous nachas ruach for our Rebbe and Rebbetzin.