JEM: The “Vehi Noam” That Broke Through Technological Barriers
A historic moment from the Rebbe’s Farbrengen from the 6th of Tishrei 5731, now in restored audio from Ashreinu.app
At the conclusion of the Farbrengen on the 6th Yahrtzeit of Rebbetzin Chanah, on Vov Tishrei 5731, the Rebbe began speaking about a new breakthrough in technology – the ability for one’s words to be transmitted simultaneously to another country, referring to the Chassidim listening to the farbrengen live in Eretz Yisrael.
In truth, the Rebbe explained, this ability always existed, as the Midrash says regarding the beginning of creation that Adam, the first man, was able to gaze from one end of the world to the other. However, it was only discovered recently.
The Rebbe added; “The time will probably come when just as they hear what is being spoken here, we will be able to hear when they respond “lchaim v’livrocho!”
As the farbrengen continued, the chassidim in Eretz Yisrael ran to bring mashke, and in 770 a big speaker was brought in. The Rebbe was informed that the connection was made, and the singing in 770 stopped in anticipation. However, only silence was heard. As time stretched on, the Rebbe instructed;
“It is brought by halachic authorities regarding a shofar that is not blowing well, that one should say the verse “Vehi Noam” into the shofar (Tehillim 90). Say ‘Vehi Noam,’ the entire Possuk!”
Someone standing in the crowd recited the verse aloud. Within moments, the speaker was brought to life, and the voice of Reb Foleh Kahn was heard announcing “lchaim v’livrocho!”