JEM: New Tishrei 5749 Photos
In conjunction with our new Tishrei in the Moment project – Tishreiinthemoment.com, we are excited to present thousands of newly scanned and restored photos from Tishrei 5749.
Tishrei in the Moment is a new, all-immersive experience documenting the sights and sounds of a Tishrei with the Rebbe. Novel, yet entirely authentic – featured on a dedicated platform, TishreiintheMoment.com, Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp. The series unfolds as events occurred, offering an uplifting, front-row seat into the sights and sounds, the solemnity and the joy, and the excitement and anticipation of a Tishrei at 770.
To complement the experience, the Living Archive team has been scanning and posting new photos from that Tishrei, creating an even greater in-the-moment feel.
See galleries of photos from:
- Elul 5748 – Laying 770 cornerstone, panim.
- 2 Tishrei 5749 – Kos Shel Barcha Motzei Rosh Hashanah.
- 3 Tishrei 5749 – Selichos, Shacharis, Dollars.
- 4 Tishrei, 5749 – Sicha, Davening, Dollars.
- 5 Tishrei, 5749 – Talking and distributing coins before leaving to the Ohel
- 7, 8 Tishrei, 5749 – Machane Yisrael, Lekach.
- 9 Tishrei, 5749 – Kaporos, Lekach, dollars, and more.
Throughout the month,we will be continuing to post more photos, videos, and other interesting Tishrei 5749 happenings, so be sure to check TishreiintheMoment.com regularly.
Be sure to browse, tag and share with your family and friends!