Making Every Seat, the Best Seat This Rosh Hashana
This coming Yomim Noraim, hundreds of communities will be inspired by Sparks of Wisdom. A recent addition to the JLI’s array of educational tools for Shluchim, the small booklets containing ten powerful nuggets of Torah wisdom are published before special days on the Jewish and Chassidic calendar. Each section is followed by a question designed to spark discussion or thoughtful contemplation.
The carefully-selected excerpts are clear and concise and can be studied on their own by anyone, regardless of their background in Jewish knowledge. The booklets, distributed on request for a minimal charge, are often the centerpiece of programs held in Chabad Houses in the days of preparation before the special date or on the day itself, where it is studied in chavrusos or small groups.
More recently, innovative Shluchim have been distributing the booklets for people to learn on their own time. The booklets add depth and meaning to a Rosh Hoshana gift basket or an extra boost of inspiration to a High Holiday service for participants to find on their chair.