Melbourne Learns Chassidus for Chai Elul
Melbourne Anash celebrated Chai Elul with a Beis Midrash L’Chassidus. Over 140 members of Anash came together to learn the Rebbe’s Maamarim on Chai Elul and Rosh Hashana. The hall was packed with Bochurim, Kollel Yungeleit, Shluchim and Balabatim from across the community. The room was filled with the buzzing sound of Chavrusas learning Chassidus and the feeling of Achdus and Hiskashrus was palpable.
This is the sixth Beis Midrash L’Chassidus that has been run in Melbourne, following previous learning programs hosted in honour of Yud Alef Nisan, Lag Baomer, Shavuos, Gimmel Tammuz and Chof Av. Each time the strong crowds keep coming. People are really excited about the concept and can’t wait for the next Chassidus Beis Midrash evening.
Seeing the success in Melbourne, other Chabad communities around the world have adopted the same concept, including Sydney, London, Chicago and Johannesburg.
The concept was the initiative of Josh Goldhirsch, a local businessman with a passion for learning Chassidus. The program is coordinated by Kollel Menachem Lubavitch, which was established by the Rebbe in 5739 to be a centre of Torah and Chassidus for the Melbourne community.
The Beis Midrash evening creates a lot of excitement and inspiration about learning Chassidus. The ultimate objective is that learning Chassidus becomes part of each person’s daily or weekly schedule. In order to facilitate this, a special goiral was made for a ticket to the Rebbe. To be eligible to enter the goiral, members of Anash had to make a Hachlota to take on a new Chassidus commitment, either to join a shiur or to start a new Chavrusa to learn Chassidus each week between Chai Elul and Yud Tes Kislev. Boruch Hashem 90 new Hachlotos were made.
We hope that the increase in learning Chassidus will help in realizing the assurance that Moshiach made to the Baal Shem Tov that through spreading the teachings of Chassidus we will merit the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu Bekarov Mammash.