Another Siyum at YNS Tzfas

Tzfas, Israel — Last Sunday YNS celebrated another magnificent accomplishment by Hatomim Meir Roetter upon his completion of Meseches Sotah. All the bochurim of the yeshiva were invited to the Rosh Yeshiva’s house for a beautiful seuda in honor of this wonderful siyum. The bochurim were in awe at the fact that this was Meir’s second Mesechta that he accomplished this year.

The Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Orimland conveyed the following message at the siyum – “being a winner is setting goals for yourself and striving consistently towards them. A great part of your success is your journey towards reaching your goals”. Rabbi ‘O’ continued how Meir set a goal for himself, he learnt a blatt a day for 49 days and reached his goal by finishing the Mesechta. Meir also set an example for other bochurim who took upon themselves other such goals.

Rabbi ‘O’ noted that he is very moved by the fact that usually towards the end of the summer zman bochurim tend to slack off, however, Meir’s siyum and the upcoming siyumim still to be made before the end of the school year make me a very proud Rosh Yeshiva. All the bochurim have moved miles this year and I wish them all continued success. We look forward to a continuation of all these wonderful events at our upcoming summer program, Camp Hamidbar, and to the upcoming school year!


  • Happy Bday Moish!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PAKI… la lala lala HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PAKI… !! !! !! !! !!
    keep up the good work!!

  • Proud sister

    Meir…. ahhhh! you’re like sooo amazing! you really are working hard and achieving your goals… and becoming famous too. wow! terrific… know this, you CAN do anything, never say I can’t and never stop trying. May you go Mechayil el Chayil and truly become a Chossid, Yarei Shomayim and a Lamdan. This is so cool, an article on just for you! wow, love your sis in WB

  • just me

    One big fat “RIGHT ON”… from what I hear this place tops 75% of allthe yeshivas out there. Kepp it up guys likethe Rabbi said you guys are a winner — all of you

  • yor brothers menachem and nissie

    mazal tov meir taty and momy are so proud

  • Shmuli Bortunk

    Avrohom Meir…I’m sitting by the screen smiling. You have really pulled through in an awesome way!! Rabbi O is a very special person, keep him near ALWAYS… Regards from your Tucson Friends (Me, Rabbi Friedman, Zalman Goldblatt & Yossi Smoller)

  • mom


    mushu…….. im proud of you moishe!!!

    you look good.

    moishe i love n miss you……..

  • m&m

    good job meir, keep up the good work!!!
    this tells us “if there is a will there is a way”.

  • A Hero-s sister

    Thank you to Rabbi O. and all the boys for allowing me to partake in this special siyum. Meir – your speech was perfect – the message even better. I hope to continue to always look up to you (& not ‘cuz you’re taller). Hashem has truely blessed us.
    Much love & misses, hugs & kisses

  • mommy

    Avraham Meir
    I am so proud of you. I know I told you that when I spoke to you, but I really am. You amaze me.
    Everyone is getting such Nachas from you, your family,friends, and former teachers.
    Rabbi O and all the staff (including wives)thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • MomKam770

    Great Job there, Red!!! Keep up the good work. Take ur partner, Levy with you, to those GR8 heights of Chassidus, and keep on truckin’!! Thanks to the Rabbis and their foundations (aka: Aishes Chayils) for their inspirations!!

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