Lag B’omer: Coach Buses from Crown Heights to the Ohel
Pursuant to the Rebbe’s words, everyone is encouraged to visit the Ohel on Lag B’omer, appreciating the special brachos attainable on this day.
Seizing the opportunity of this auspicious day, multiple air-conditioned coach buses will be making round-trips from 770 going to the Ohel and back, every half hour throughout the day of Lag B’omer for the entire Crown Heights community: Men, women and children.
The cost for a round-trip ride will be only $2.00 nominal fee.
All who participate will receive:
• Cold bottle of water
• Chayenu Booklet
• Reisman’s brownie bar
• Viewing of a special Lag B’omer video presentation.
This project has been made possible through the generous funding of Yossi & Nechama Dina Katz & Family
Organized by Bais Shmuel-Chabad and Menachem Benchemon of Visual-Torah.com