Compilation of the Rebbe’s torah on the Rebbe’s new Kapitel
A recently published Kovetz, produced by the students of the Rabbinical College of America – Morristown, contains a selection of the Rebbe’s sichos, maamorim and letters on kapitel 118 – the kapitel that chassidim will start reciting this year on Yud Aleph Nissan.
In the back of the Kovetz is printed a mafteach of all the Rebbe’s torah on the new kapitel according to the order of the pesukim.
The Kovetz is available for download below.
[pdf-embedder url=”http://crownheights.info/assets/2019/04/קובץ-יא-ניסן-שנת-הקיח.pdf” title=”קובץ י”א ניסן – שנת הקי”ח”]