YG Melbourne, Building for the Future
Established in 1966, the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand (Yeshivah Gedolah) is Australia’s first and largest fully residential institute of tertiary Jewish studies. It caters for both Australian and international students.
Its graduates are found in all areas of professions, industry and commerce, education, the Rabbinate and outreach work, serving communities in Australia, interstate and overseas.
Today, Yeshiva Gedolah (YG) is launching its most ambitious project yet – a major extension and redevelopment of its Alexandra Street campus.
The first stage of the plans include the extension of the Study Hall (known as the Zal), new staff offices, five new bedrooms to accommodate fifteen students, and restoration of the Dining Room to its original grand size.
The second stage will be a 50 bed dormitory, and a basement which will include a mikvah and gym.
See the campaign and Donate at https://www.charidy.com/yg