Chanukah is Alive in Kiev
Thousands of people participated in the hectic Chabad Chanukah activities in Kiev this year.
Menorah lightnings in shopping malls, visits to houses of community members, Chanukah parties for whole families, and events for young people near the Ukrainian parliament building, are just part of a the various activities and events of Chanukah in Kiev.
The second day of Chanukah began with a central lighting in the Oasis banquet hall, attended by close to 300 people, including relatives, guests and parents of the students of the Ohr Avner Chabad School under the direction of the Shluchah Elka Markovitch. After an emotional presentation by the students, a representative of the parents of the students came up to the stage and warmly thanked the Shluchim for the kosher and quality education their children receive. “Having a high-quality Jewish education accompanied by good secular studies, was a dream until a few years ago”, said the parents’ representative.
Rabbi Yonatan Markowitch, the Chabad Shliach and Chief Rabbi of Kiev, lit the menorah and spoke about the essence of the holiday, that one should look at the candles and internalize that even after Chanukah we must add light and rise up in holiness.
On the seventh day of Chnukah, a special Chanukah party was held with a “Master-Chef” style competition for the young members of the community. The activities for young people are run successfully under the leadership of Rabbi Ariel and Cherry Markovitch. Representatives of the Polish and Romanian embassies and more than 100 Jewish young professionals took part in this event.
On “Zos Chanukah”, the eight day of Chanukah, there was central Menorah lighting in the city, in cooperation with the Israeli Embassy in Kiev. More than 1000 people attended the ceremony.
Every day during the holiday, dozens of private Menorah lightings took place in the homes of community members and in their offices. The activities were made possible by the Shluchim, as well as volunteers who came to help.
how can someone let them know that we saw this and were so happy