Yud Tes Kislev Event in Paris Drew Thousands

Thousands came to celebrated Yud Tes Kislev in Chabad’s yearly event. The room was packed with thousands of people who came to hear the speeches and entertainment.

Speeches were given by Rabbi Frankfurter – Rabbi of the community of Adat Yareim, Rabbi Shalom Cohen – Professor and senior lecturer. The guest of honor was Rabbi Eliyahu Altabe – the Rebbe’s emissary in Marseilles
Rabbi Binyamin Margui, who told the story of the imprisonment and redemption, Rabbi Guggenheim – Chief Rabbi of Paris, and Rabbi Azimov, Director of Beit Lubavitch Institutions, who concluded the event.

The entertainment at the event was provided by singer Yoni Shlomo who came from the Holy Land. He sang with a chorus composed of local children of Paris.

photos by Morde’hai Lubecki