Second Part of Torahs Menachem Goes on Sale

Vaad Hanachos B’Lashon HaKodesh has launched an unprecedented sale on the 45-volume set of Toras Menachem: 5742-5752, which has been out of print. Pre-orders can be made for the discounted price of $300. For more details, see complete article.

Following Lahak’s unprecedented sale on the first sixty volumes of Toras Menachem, which include the talks and Chassidic discourses delivered by the Rebbe during the first 20 years of his leadership, translated into Hebrew.

No less than 5,500 sets of Toras Menachem were sold, totaling 330,000 Books. At the same time, however, the Lahak offices received many requests that the parallel set be made available – the 45 volumes of Toras Menachem: 5742-5752, which has been out of print.

The years 5742-5752 were the busiest decade in Lubavitch history. It was marked by a wide range of events, both with the Rebbe in 770 and in Lubavitch communities worldwide. The Rebbe conveyed deep insights at frequent gatherings with the chassidim, and his hallmark addresses became an almost daily occurrence. Additionally, he gave many new directives and initiated many novel projects.

All of the Rebbe’s talks of this period, including Torah novellae and the Rebbe’s views on a vast array of Jewish and universal contemporary issues, are printed in Hebrew in the 45-volume set of Toras Menachem: 5742-5752.

Lahak, headed by Rabbi Chaim Shaul Brook, has acceded to these requests. A major sale was announced, in which every individual can participate in the upcoming printing by pre-ordering a set at the low price of $300 US (or ₪1100). We have also learned that deliveries are available to your door in the US and Israel for an added price of $100/₪100.

Lahak is presently reaching out to a number of donors and philanthropists, individuals who cherish the Rebbe’s teachings, to subsidize the purchase and delivery of the sets, allowing for these low prices.

This unique sale, which began earlier this week, will continue until Chof Menachem Av, and the printing will take place, G‑d willing, after the upcoming month of Tishrei. Details of places and times for pickup will be announced in the time leading up to the books’ distribution, which will take place during the month of Teves 5779.

Don’t miss this rare opportunity, and bring the Rebbe’s teachings into your home. Order your set today!

To order online, visit the Lahak website at or the Yerid Hachassidus website at

To order by phone, contact Kehot in Kfar Chabad at +972.3.9606.018, or Yerid Hachassidus at +972.72.279.2072. with the option to pay in installments.