Jerusalem, Israel — Extensive renovations are now underway at the historic Tzemach Tzedek Shul in the Old City of Jerusalem. learned; the reason for the renovations at the Shul is for the campaign launching, “Shabbat Dinner in the Old City” which is being hosted by Rabbi Yossi and Hindel Swerdlov of Jerusalem.
More pictures in the Extended Article
Renovations Underway in the Tzemach Tzedek Shul
Jerusalem, Israel — Extensive renovations are now underway at the historic Tzemach Tzedek Shul in the Old City of Jerusalem. learned; the reason for the renovations at the Shul is for the campaign launching, “Shabbat Dinner in the Old City” which is being hosted by Rabbi Yossi and Hindel Swerdlov of Jerusalem.
More pictures in the Extended Article
This special Shabbat Dinner program is tailored for Chabad groups and Bale Batim who are looking for an exciting Chabad House setting where they can meet many friendly people from all over the world for a traditional, warm and inspirational Shabbat experience while enjoying a personalized Friday Night Dinner with lots of spirit, singing, Torah insights and delicious food.
For more information please contact Rabbi Yossi Swerdlov at 972-52-475-6001 or visit
Need a place to eat Fri night
Fantastic idea. Make sure to invite me for the 1st meal. I will be certain to come.
any Chabadnik considering living in Israel should try to go to the Old City. Anyone visiting should support the Swerdlovs- by going for a meal, inviting others, donating money.
The Rebbe admonished people in letters to create a Chabad community in the Old City, to the point that the Rova Yehudi would be called the Rova Chabadniki.
so where is everyone? Ramat Eshkol?
kol hakavod to the Swerdlovs- you should have infinite success in all things b’gashmious and b’ruchnious and we should be zoiche to see others follow your example.
It’s a business… I’m it’s a real nice thing and all… but is it a business (like reseving a meal at a hotel) or is it open door policy like most Chabad Houses?
Kol hakavod! Hatzlacha rabah!
A groisen Yasherkoyach
PIONEERS, FINALY we have someone doing something lubavitch in Jerusalem, may hashem bless you kiflayim l’toshiya! Moshiach NOW!
Attn CHer:
Its far from a bussniess. its a way to cover cost and still do the rebbes shlichus. Trust me they are not making it rich off this