‘Chanukah Mobile’ Attacked by Arab Terrorists
Last night, Sunday, Arab terrorists attacked a vehicle driven by Chabadniks on their way to perform Chanukah outreach with soldiers stationed along Route 60 in the Judea region south of Jerusalem.
From Arutz Sheva:
Miraculously, neither the car’s owner, Rabbi Daniel Ariel of Beitar Illit, nor his four children who were also in the car during the attack, were injured. The car’s front window, however, was smashed, and the large menorah placed on top of the car damaged.
Rabbi Ariel, who carries out Hanukkah Operations every year in conjunction with the community of Efrat’s Chabad emissary, Rabbi Nissan Nachshon, explained, “Every year during Hanukkah, I go out with my children to bring happiness to soldiers at guard posts, to light Hanukkah candles with them and to distribute jelly doughnuts.”
“I asked Rabbi Nissan where we need to go, and he suggested we travel to IDF guard posts along Route 60. We stopped at two guard towers, after which we continued onward towards the community of Karmei Tzur. Suddenly, I heard a crash – a large stone had hit the windshield, smashing it and penetrating to the inside of the car.”
“I felt a blow to my shoulder, and the stone rolled down to my feet. Shards flew in all directions. I saw the terrorist, dressed in black, flee the scene,” the rabbi said, noting that “the scene of the attack is the same area where the battles between the Maccabees and the Greeks took place, very near Beit Tzur, where the Greeks suffered a final defeat. This year in exactly the same place – we experienced a true miracle.”
Following the attack, the vehicle continued to the military base near the community of Karmei Tzur, where the Chabad emissaries reported the incident, and the scope of the miracle was discovered: The inside of the vehicle was filled with thousands of tiny glass shards, but not one of the passengers had been scratched.
The Rebbe would have said something like this before Gimel Tamuz.
This shows us that we all have to work harder for Sh’Lemus Ha’Aretz.
On a positive note: Even though The fight for Sh’Lemus Ha’Aretz seems overwhelming. We need to remember what it was like to fight for Yiddishkeit in the Former Soviet Union (the 2nd most powerful country in the world).
And with the Rebbe’s brochos & guidance we won. & now the Soviet Union only exists in history books.
Find that piece of Trash
We need to find this Trash Garbage who did this & bring him to justice, this is unacceptable & inexcusable behavior, we will find this SOB & put him behind bars, he truly is jealous bec he himself has no life other than hating jews, bring this Trash 2 justice & lock him up, these garbage low lives need to be taught, we will not put up with their garbage, they are upset that the President decided to move the US embassy to Yerushalayim, the Arabs need to understand it’s not their land they are only guests & truly they are considered illegal aliens & should be deported back 2 Amman, Jordan