IDF Permits No Longer Available for Tishrei Guests

From Yeshiva World News:

Talmidei yeshiva and avreichim wishing to travel abroad for Rosh Hashanah are required to get permission from the IDF or they will be prevented from leaving at the airport. That said, a group of Lubavitcher Chassidim wishing to head to 770 for Tishrei were informed by the Vaad Yeshivos that the induction center is not providing this service for the coming two weeks.

There are many talmidei yeshivos planning to head out of the country but they have been informed that anyone who did not secure the permit by today, Wednesday, 22 Elul, would not be able to do so in the coming two weeks. During this time period, there will be no services given at induction centers.

The letter received by the Vaad Yeshivos states the service will cease from Wednesday, 22 Elul through Tuesday, 6 Tishrei, citing all services at induction centers will stop including permits for travel abroad.

The continuation of the letter states “please bring this to the attention of talmidim, that they would expedite seeking services before Wednesday.”


  • to #1, #2 & #3

    i’m sure your next comment will be something like
    “we need achdus, selfless love blah blah blah
    practice it and stop smearing people just because they might make u uncomfortable.
    is this your preparation for RH, hachtoras hamelech?
    open up a maamor, it might enlighten u to what a Jew is, especially a fellow chossid who wishes to be in the Rebbe’s shul

    • just another jew

      it takes a great deal of effort to turn your head…….accept them for what they are and go about your day, as long as you are not being harmed……focus on what you need to improve within yourself.

  • The Rebbe's orchim

    These are the Rebbe’s orchim!! Not Yours!

    The Rebbe wanted them here for Tishrei ! He contributed to their coming! Shame on you! It’s the Rebbe’s Shchuna!

    The Rebbe vet oisfirin!!


    to number 1, 2 and 3 and to number wathever other stupid people that think like that.

  • Why did they procrastinate?

    The letter apparently went out to the vaad yeshivos earlier, to notify them to get their permit before today. If they didn’t hurry to get it done then the onus is on them. Why wait to the last minute? It it’s important then you get your tickets, visas, hotel reservations was as early as you can, not 1 week before you tov.

    • just another jew

      in english……… did you mean to say that people see in others that which they recognize about themself?