CGI Parksville, NY Announces Head Staff
Gan Yisroel Parksville, NY has announced their head staff for the upcoming summer of 5777.
“In what promises to be an extraordinary year, the camp in the Catskills is primed to build on the more than 60 years of experience and tradition, to deliver a carefully crafted camping experience imbued with Chassidishkeit and fun,” directors said.
The head staff are a vital part of putting together an experience of the highest Chassidishe standards, along with the most exhilarating and exciting activities thereby following the Rebbes directive as to what Gan Yisroel should be.
Gan Yisroel Parksville is proud to announce our experienced group of head staff who will be running the exciting programs this summer:
Returning as senior Head Counselor:
Rabbi Nachmon Dov Wichnin
Head Counselors:
Naftali Junik – Crown Heights, NY
Mendy Kirszenberg – Flatbush, NY
Shmuli Lezak – Los Angeles, CA
Levi Plotkin – Markham, ON
Learning Directors:
Mendel Bergstein – Oak Park, IL
Mendy Schapiro – Sydney, AUS
The incredible Bar Mitzvah Division from the past has been enhanced with the hiring of dedicated head staff:
Shmulik Berkowitz – Los Angeles, CA
Shmuli Shanowicz – Los Angeles, CA
Berry Wolosow – Sharon, MA
These dedicated head staff have spent the past few months putting together the most devoted and energetic group of Chassidishe staff.
This group will ensure that the summer of 5777 will be remembered long after the last bus leaves camp, instilling a Chayus and Geshmak for learning, Chassidishe conduct and Middos that will last a lifetime.
BMD staff
What an awesome group
Thanks for the greatest summer last year to the best head staff
Mendy Menachem and Naftoli
Thanks to Rabbi futerfas and Yisrael Cohen