13-Year-Old Boy Hit By Car Wakes Up from Coma
13-year-old Shneur Zalman Boaron, who was critically injured after being hit by an SUV while crossing Kingston Ave. on his way to school last Tuesday, has opened his eyes for the first time since the accident.
One of the first things he did after waking up was put on Tefilin with his father, who couldn’t hold back his tears as they recited the brochos and Shema together.
Please continue to say Tehilim on behalf of Shneur Zalman Ovadia Ben Rina Miriam.
Great News
(Hodu L’HaShem Ki Tov, Ki L’Olam Chasdo)
we should continue to hear besoros tovos.
also, we need to send around articles at home and in schools about safety.
Ma Rabbi
Boruch Hashem
What a miracle!!!
in tears of happines
Hodu L’HaShem Ki Tov, Ki L’Olam Chasdo.
we should continue to hear besoros tovos
Most wonderful news I’ve heard in a while! Tears of joy. We need to continue davenning for continued improvements.
sarah dubinsky
I am so happy.B.H,
This week’s Haftara is Ovadia!!!! Please learn this week’s Haftara in Shneur Zalman Ovadia’s merit and please be REALLY quiet when it’s read in Shul in the merit that he will recover!!!! Don’t tune out during the Haftara! It’s every bit as holy as the Torah!!!!
Thank you for letting us know, I will share this.
Thank G-d
He should continue to improve and have a Refua Shleima.
(a-) All parents, schools and yeshivos should now prohibit any student to run across the road.
(b-) Tell them to look twice (or three times) before crossing.