Rabbi Lau Presides over Ordination of 257 Rabbis
257 students received their rabbinical ordination in a special event on the grounds of the Rabbinical Collage of America. Also, a 200 year old Sefer Torah that was rescued from the holocaust was present to the RCA.
On Sunday, June 26th, 257 students received Rabbinical Ordination at the Morris Township campus.
Close to 700 guests from 8 countries and 10 states attended the event under a large tent placed on the Rabbinical College grounds.
The event was presided over by former Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Israel Lau. He and his wife flew in especially to test and affix his signature on the certificates of the graduates.
Rabbi Moshe Herson, Dean and President of the institution, stated that the 257 graduates represent close to 257 Jewish communities which will be, in the near future, reinvigorated with fresh young leadership in many parts of the world. This has been the signature accomplishment of the world wide Lubavitch movement which the Rabbinical College represents.
The Rabbinic Ordination program of the Rabbinical College was founded in 1998 and graduated 39 students in 2001. The 257 graduates of 2016 represent a 700% increase of the highly acclaimed program. This is possibly the largest celebration of its kind.
The diverse group of new rabbis, include native speakers of English, Hebrew, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, French, German, Italian and Swedish. “They are ready and able to serve virtually every Jewish community in the world,” stated Rabbi Herson.
The Semicha program is run by Rabbi Chaim Schapiro, and under his leadership has been growing and thriving.
During the event, Ed Mosberg, a Trustee of the institution, holocaust survivor and noted philantropist, presented to the RCA, a 200 year old Torah Scroll rescued from the Holocaust. Graduates read in public from that Torah Scroll the very next day of the event.

Former Student
This is beautiful.
I came from Los Angeles to learn in Tifferes and loved Morristown.
Such a beautiful place to learn and surrounded by nature.
Congratulations to all the Smicha Students.
Rabbi Chaim Schapiro
Really the best!!
did rabbi schapiro write this?
Chaim goldgrab
Mazel tov Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Goldgrab !!!!
Big Z Schapiro
oh yeah yo cousin Chaim Schapiro you are the man and you’re the best keep up the good work
david from costa rica
you da best!!!!
appreciative bochurim
thank you menachem habib for pulling off this spectacular event. future head shliach of ….!!
very special
This is 4 years of graduates, not just this year’s.