28 Mesivta Students Learn Largest Mesechta By Heart
28 bochurim of the Oholei Torah Mesivta learned the entire mesechta of Baba Basra, the largest mesechta in Shas, by heart. Another seven bochurim learned the entire mesechta Sukkah, and 46 bochurim learned the entire sefer of Likutei Amorim of the Tanya.
Spending most of their free time, these bochurim dedicated the year to these learning goals, above and beyond regular seder yeshiva.
Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm, Menahel, oversaw the progress this past year. Rabbi Wilhlem accompanied the bochurim to be tested by gedolei yisroel, HaRav Gavriel Tzinner, mechaber of Nitie Gavriel, and a close friend of Lubavitch and HaRav Moshe Wolfson, the Mashgiach Ruchni of Yeshiva Torah V’daas and Rav of Beis Hakneses Emes Yisroel in Borough Park.
Accompanying the bochurim was Rabbi Eli Tennenbaum, who spent much time testing the bochurim.
As the bochurim entered Rabbi Wolfson’s study, he remarked how they bring with them kedusha into his home! Both Rabbi Tzinner and Rabbi Wolfson were visibly impressed with the yedios of the bochurim.
In honor of these great accomplishments, a grand siyum will be held iy”h Tuesday, 22 Sivan, in the Mesivta Zal on Troy Avenue with guests speakers and honorable guests.
The bochurim who studied the mesechtas by heart are:
Mesechtas Baba Basra
Menachem Mendel Abelsky
Ephraim Barber
Shmuel Borentein
Dovid Brook
Yechiel Goldberg
Schneur Zalman Gurary
Moshe Glick
Sholom Dovber Grossbaum
Shlomo Delefkowitz
Yisroel Drizin
Menachem Mendel Wilenken
Avrohom Tzvi Cohen
Meir Katz
Avrohom Katz
Moshe Katz
Shimshon Lisner
Menachem Mendel Mockin
Sholom Meizlish
Menachem Mendel Samuels
Moshe Elberg
Dov Popack
Yoseph Polter
Shama Freund
Yisroel Pinson
Menachem Mendel Zweibel
Levi Raskin
Chaim Scharfstein
Menachem Mendel Schapiro
Dovid Sasonkin
Shiur Aleph – Mesechtas Sukkah
Moshe Chein
Yehuda Leib Telsner
Nissan Lepkivker
Menachem Mendel Labkowsky
Avraham Elberg
Yisroel Sputz
Ma Rabbi
What a Kiddush Hashem.
What a Kiddush Shem Lubavitch.