Baal Teshuva Releases Debut Album at Age 70
At the beginning of his seventh decade of life, singer and composer Aharon Sitbon is releasing his first album as a Shomer Torah and Mitzvos.
The album is called Shehecheyanu, and shows Sitbon’s talents and skills as a singer and composer.
Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry produced and arranged the album, as well as assisted with some of the composition on the songs.
Seventh or eighth?
It’s never too late to make a difference.
Count Your Fingers
If he’s 70 he’s beginning the eighth decade of his life, biz 120!
Kol hakavod
Very nice, thank you
beautiful, and inspirational. this is what the Rebbe wants, to use ones kochos l’sheym Torah u mitvos.
BT’s are so unique and devoted
yashar koiach
Beautiful, uplifting music. Can’t wait to hear more.