Zumba Recital at Friendship Circle
A winter Motzei Shabbos may seem to drag on and on, but for a group of young woman with special needs, it never seemed long enough.
The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s Young Adult Division (Girls) recently completed a 10 week ZUMBA fitness workshop. Under the direction of Mushki Tenenbaum, Leah Borisute and Faigy Friedman, 40 girls got together every Saturday evening for sixty minutes of ‘non-stop’ dance and exercise.
The final weekend culminated with a recital and Melava Malka for all mothers. As the program began, the girls performed rehearsed songs and dances, followed by each girl taking the lead and free-styling, having the rest of the group and moms which by then joined in on the fun – follow their lead.
Gifts were then given to the volunteers and coordinators by the director of the Friendship Circle, Mrs. Chani Majesky.
Watching the girls in action, some of whom never get the opportunity to take the stage, never mind perform, was truly a moving and exciting sight to behold.
“Watching my daughter and her friends, is nothing short of miraculous!” exclaimed one mother. “She finally has a peer group that she is comfortable in, that makes her feel good about herself and the talents she has.”
For more information about the Friendship Circle, visit www.fcbrooklyn.com or email berel@fcbrooklyn.com.
i spy
go nechma you rock so nice u volunteer
Go yehudis
Go yehudis!!!!!
Go Chana Reiter and chani gottleib!! U guys are amazing!!!
Amazing organization!!!!
Friendship Circle helps bring awareness about all the wonderful individuals with special needs in our community.
Go Friendship Circle.
Keep up the great work!
go yehudis!!!!!!! we love you !!! you are awesome!!!!!!
Go Friendship Circle!!