Parliament House of Victoria Hosts Menorah Lighting

This year’s presentation at the Parliament House of Victoria of the lighting of the Chanukah Menorah and the Speeches given by the guest speakers – organized by Chabad of Melbourne-CBD under the leadership of Rabbi Chaim Herzog – surpassed any of the twelve previous functions given at Parliament in past years.

The programs master of ceremony was Mr. David Southwick MP, member for Caulfield, who introduced Chazzan Didi Levin and the Central Shul Choir who gave a repertoire of songs. Amongst them, “Haneiros Halalu”, “Advance Australia Fair”, and a South African rendition of “Shehechiyanu”. The choir drew tremendous applause for their performance. This was followed by the introduction of this years guest speaker, the honorable James Merlino MP, deputy leader of the labor party and minister for education, also a long time friend of Chabad of Melbourne CBD and Rabbi Chaim Herzog. Mrs. Myriam Wylie, French consular general, who spoke about the devastating acts of Terrorism that took place in Paris on the thirteenth of November. Helen Kapalos, presenter on a “Current Affair” was among the dignitaries.

This year’s Chanukah program was presented in conjunction with Central Shul Chabad and its Minister, Rabbi Yitzchok Reisenberg, gave the vote of thanks to the audience which featured some well known community figures. To name a few: Lilllian and Richard Frank – Lillian writes a weekly social column for the Herald  Sun newspaper, and Mrs. Stera Gutnick, wife of the well known philanthropist Rabbi Joseph Gutnick. Mrs. Gutnick is well known in her own right for the Jewish educational programs that she organizes such as Women of Valour.

Rabbi Reisenberg in his thank you made special mention of MP David Southwick, member of Caulfield and relentless helper for Jewish causes, and Rabbi Chaim Herzog for his ceaseless commitment to the city community.

The evening was concluded by the lighting of two candles by Rabbi Chaim Herzog and the singing of the Bracha by him with the help of the Central Shul choir singing “Maoz Tzur”.

Chabad of Melbourne-CBD’s Chanukah event in the Melbourne Parliment culminated with its signature cocktail party, which was widely attended by the broader community.

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