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‘Morah Sara Playground’ to Honor Memory of Beloved Educator

About two weeks ago, the students of Bnos Menachem heard the shocking news that their dear Morah, Sara Deren, had suddenly passed away. “When meeting Morah Sara Deren, the first thing one noticed was her constant, kind smile and joie de vivre,” a Bnos Menachem parent said.

Although Sara and her late husband Mendel, were not blessed with children, she loved every child in the class as if they were her own. When Devorah looked sad, Morah Sara was there to give her a hug and read her a book. When Leah wanted something from a friend but wasn’t able to communicate, Morah Sara gave her the words to communicate. When Tzivia cut her first straight line with a scissor, Morah Sara was the first to applaud and cheer her on! Every morning she greeted the girls with a cheery smile and in the evening, she left them with a loving hug.

“While Morah Sara was small in stature, she was a giant in her midos tovos, chesed and bitachon in Hashem. She was a true example of inner beauty shining outwards; her face had a constant glow, the shine of her holy neshama. We were so blessed to have Morah Sara in our lives and we hope that her legacy can live on through the joys and milestones of our children,” said another parent.

It is for these reasons that a group of Bnos Menachem parents came together to launch the “Morah Sara Playground” initiative. They felt that a playground, the seed of many friendships and the sound of children’s laughter, is one of the best ways they can honor Morah Sara’s memory.

Their goal is to build a playground in Bnos Menachem, where Sara spent most of her day being a loving Morah and was equally loved by her students and colleagues.

To honor Morah Sara’s memory by taking part in the “Morah Sara Playground” initiative, please visit