Montreal Girls Launch ‘Operation Protect Our Borders’
In light of the current situation in Eretz Yisroel, the senior students of Beis Rivkah of Montreal launched a Tznius campaign called ‘Operation: Protect Our Borders’ for all the High School students. This is based on the Rebbe’s well-known sicha that tznius actually brings blessings of safety and security to our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel.
The students are given a daily Torah Thought on tznius to be learned, and a Daily Mission sheet, which includes reminders for awareness in one aspect of tznius etc., and improvement in thought, speech and action.
An original video was produced by the students and was shown at an assembly, launching this special project. Tehillim was recited and the entire Tehillim was divided amongst all the High School students, so collectively the entire Tehillim was completed.
The project began as an idea for their own school, but very quickly other girls’ schools have enthusiastically also joined.
Special thanks to the G.O. heads, Naomi Azoulay and Chaya Mockin, and to Racheli Banon and Esty Rosenfeld, for coordinating this program, with the dedicated help of senior students under the guidance of Mrs S. Bensimon and Mrs D. Hoch.
Rabbi Y. Minkowitz, principal, said: “The participation of the students is phenomenal. I greatly encourage other girls’ schools and communities to make similar campaigns, thereby helping our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel. Surely this will bring down the fulfillment of the Rebbe’s clear brochos.”
Girls’ schools or communities who would like more information please email: yminkowitz@bethrivkah.com.
Following are excerpts of the Rebbe’s sicha, which was said on 25 Iyar 5730 to the participants in the convention of Nshei Ubnos Chabad (Likutei Sichos page 224-227 – Free Translation):
[After explaining various concepts regarding tznius, the Rebbe added]:
We can request from Jewish women and girls, that not only should they act in a tznius manner in the main things, when it pertains to clothing – but even in regard to speaking amongst themselves, they are also worthy, and they have the strength and brochos from Hashem. If they only desire, then the speaking amongst themselves, in the Jewish street and Jewish home, will be in a tznius manner…
Jews, even when they are dispersed, are “one nation”. This applies to every one of us, within Klal Yisroel, that we feel the connection and unity with each Jew, wherever they are. Definitely it applies, in the greatest measure, with Jews of the Holy Land – the good and spacious land, Eretz Yisroel – who need a special brocho, and a special protection from Hashem, to take them out of the situation in which they find themselves presently.
It should be fulfilled that: “You shall dwell securely in your land” in a manner that “you will lie down, and no one will make you afraid”. Even when you lie down to sleep, there won’t be a need for a guard, because we are certain that “there is no one to make you afraid” [not only will they not do something, they will not even cause fear], because “Hashem protects you” in a manner that “the Guardian of Israel doesn’t slumber or sleep”: and He tells Jews “lie down and have a pleasant sleep”; you can sleep peacefully, because I am standing and protecting you”.
For this we also need tznius, as the possuk states that Hashem “walks within your camp”, because “He does not see in you an unseemly thing”. When Hashem sees that within the Jewish nation, wherever they are, there isn’t anything contrary to tznius – then Hashem walks amongst them “to save you and to give up your enemies before you”. On your own, you don’t have to do anything, because Hashem saves you; He, on His own, with His power, places “your enemies before you”, that all enemies are lost and fall to the Jews, to the extent that “even the enemies will be in peace with him”, and “I will give peace in the land”, that they will be transformed, they also become those who make peace and are begging the Jews for peace.
Below is a copy of this portion of the Sicha, which was personally edited by the Rebbe.
[pdf-embedder url=”http://crownheights.info/assets/2015/10/sicha-25-iyar-5730-mugo.pdf”]
What a great idea !!
Beth Rivkah Montreal is the must wonderful school ever!!
Go Chaya!!!!
Very Proud:)
What a great project!! GO BR MTL
We are so lucky to have Rabbi & Mrs Minkowitz running our schooll! May this be the last project before moshiachs coming!! And then they could say”REU GEDULIM SHEGIDALNU!!
Go Naomi!
Wow Naomi so impressive!!
a little light dispels lots of darkness!
those are our Rebbe’s words…
I wish them loads of success – what a nice thing to be reading online – sure beats the less positive.
I vote in addition to improving our tznius we also improve the reporting online
time we keep that tzniusdik also.
each good act that is advertised helps promote more of the same and the opposite is true too ch’v.
Love it!!
Good job keep bringing more light into the world!!!!
Mashiach now!!!
Great job!
Wow Esty! We are so proud of you!
You go girls!!! Bringing down your care for Israel into real action!!! Good luck!!
Esty Rosenfeld!
A real powerhouse!