Kfar Chabad Rov: Halt Business Dealings with Arabs
The mara d’asra of Kfar Chabad, Rabbi Meir Ashkenazi, has released a public letter addressing the security crisis, calling on residents to recite Tehillim 20, 22, 69, and 130 after shachris.
In addition, after reciting the 12 pesukim in kindergartens and elementary schools, the rov calls on them to recite the pasuk “Mipi Olelim..” with the children.
Rav Ashkenazi then turns to residents, calling on them to stop employing Arab construction workers during the crisis.
The rov calls on residents to suspend working with Arab construction workers during the crisis or at least provide an armed security guard to oversee the construction workers.
He asks them to join the community’s security patrol, for those capable of doing so, emphasizing that one who cannot suspend working with Arabs in the coming days must place an armed guard in the area.
people might say that alot of this is the ruchnius condition of certain people. True, there are some troubling issues with certain people. However….this is the time for us to work together despite our levels and our differences. working together is the one thing we CAN do.