Thousands Expected at Mega Hakhel Event
“We were there, we saw with our eyes, and we trembled in awe. But what about our children in fact the entire generation who did not have the zechus to see. As my last will and testimony, I ask of you to gather the Jewish people. Everybody, man woman and child once every seven years. They should gather on Succos in the Beis Hamikdosh, and the king of the Bnei yisroel should read from the Torah, as a messenger from G-d. To everyone at the gathering it will be like Hashem himself was talking to them, instilling an awe for Hashem for the rest of their lives.”
These were the parting words of Moshe Rabeinu. And so it was each Hakhel year everyone, men woman and even small infants gathered in the Beis Hamikdosh.
Since the destruction of the Beis Hamikdosh, this mitzvah has not been observed – until the Rebbe created a massive commotion about Hakhel, asking everyone to get involved, in every way they can, by making gatherings before Succos, on Succos and throughout the year.
It’s our sincere hope that this year Hakhel will take place once again in the Beis Hamikdosh.
In preparation, Tzivos Hashem – in conjunction with the schools and Shuls of Crown Heights – is arranging a mass gathering for the entire community, men woman and children, on Thursday, the 18th of Tishrei, 2nd day of Chol Hamoed (October 1st).
The police will be closing down two blocks of Eastern Parkway during rush hour, so that the program can begin at 7:30pm sharp, thus allowing even the very young children to join.
As you watch the following video of one of the planning meetings, you can see what an incredible program is in store.
Behind the scenes of the Chol Hamoed Sukkos Hakhel event from Digital Studios on Vimeo.
“Very young children” whose Mummys and Tuttys are trying to ensure they are well rested really are going to sleep around 6.30/7pm
Sounds like a beautiful event, although many may miss it because of this timing.
Is there a reason it cannot be earlier? Perhaps an afternoon time may be more suitable to truly include everyone.
I will keep mum and not say tut tut to the Mummys and Tuttys who don’t bring their youngies to the Simchas Beis Hashoevah Kid’s program, usually starting at 9:00
Will there be a way to watch it live online, for those who don’t live in New York?
looks beautiful
i am so impressed at how hard people are still working to make the rebbe proud. you go crown heights. more than 20 years lubavitch strong!!
zalmy Schapiro
oh yes i will be there
can i watch this online i’m out of state
Yes, here: http://crownheights.info/videos/501829/live-simchas-beis-hashuevah-hakhel-gathering/