Rov of Kfar Chabad Hires PR Firm for Tznius Campaign
The Rov of Kfar Chabad, Rabbi Meir Ashkenazi, has hired a public relations firm to assist him in spreading his tznius campaign among residents of the village in central Israel.
Reports The Yeshiva World News:
The rav, who succeeded his father ZT”L a number of months ago as rav of the Chabad community, is working hard to succeed in an area in which his father was not totally successful. A ‘letter from the rav’ was sent to all residents of the community spelling out modesty regulations for all.
The rav explains as we are in the shadow of Rosh Hashanah and the beginning of a new school year, it is important for all to familiarize themselves with the community’s regulations in addition to each and every person’s personal responsibility to adhere to these halachos.
While in recent weeks and months the rav’s efforts directed at the women of the community were evident to all, the letter appears to the children too. The pamphlet explains one’s skirt must cover one’s knees while one is seated, one must wear socks that cover the knee, one’s neck and elbows are to be covered properly, one’s general appearance should express humbleness and humility, married woman must wear a sheitel outdoors in the community and one may not make do with a scarf when walking in the street or while driving a vehicle.
“I am asking each and every person to make sure their daughters dress in accordance with these rules” writes the rav, who asks to not just make concern oneself with modesty but also with the internet, adding “Care must be taken to prevent access to websites that are inappropriate. These sites R”L have toppled many”.
unlike CH at least they have a Eruv
Crown Heightser
I would love if our Rabbonim did the same…
2 things
-if you learned the laws of eruvin you would understand why this is so
– very smart to hire a pr firm – the best way to get people to listen to a message is when it is targeted to them
Israeli female
With the greatest respect to the Rav I am more concerned with the negativity promoted by Beis Rivka towards girls who have questions and issues. Being humiliated and called names BY TEACHERS is OK? Not in MY book.
If these “educators” were to respect their students and guide them rather than publicly humiliate them, the tznius issue in the village would be over. And one other point, when I was there last week I saw a boy in a lime green T-shirt & jeans biking along merrily. What about dealing with the problems with boys and men? Or are they all perfect?
What’s wrong with a boy wearing jeans and a T-shirt? Which halocho was he breaking?
Darchei Noam
Yes, the teachers should, at first, admonish in a way the student should not feel bad. But, if, after that, the student still does not comply, well…
Now, as far as the T-shirt/jeans boy. If that’s the only sticking point, I’m sure something can be worked out (btw, who was the diplomat Bob Kennedy said that to, when he was the Attorney General?).
So, now, let’s say, the Rabbanan are going to be fair and deal with the boys and men too, hopefully. Will you then have any issues with the standards of tznius, which the halacha demands?
Not a joke
You know, there was a time, a century ago, that even the goyishe standards of dress was tznius, like Chareidi, maybe even more so. But in the 1920’s
(known as the “roaring 20’s”) the younger generation got kind of lax (still “tznius” compared to today), showed a little more than accepted standards, and now with the new invention (the automobile) more available, kids were no longer confined to their parents’ environment. At first, it did not seem to have such a negative effect on society at large.
But, sure enough, one compromise led to another – yes, it took decades – and look at what we have now!
Imagine, in the secular world, a normal man or woman wants to date. How can they be sure that their date was not a transformation? What feelings would you have if you had to work with someone who was like that? To me, that’s creepy?!!
that is out-of-the-box!
At least it doesn’t say the girls have to wear panty hose. Last year there was a discussion about this.